Black Lamborghini Ankonian Concept by Slavche Tanevski

Black Lamborghini Ankonian Concept by Slavche Tanevski

Lamborghini Ankonian Concept from Slavche Tanevski is a project that is completed at the Munich University of Applied Sciences. The concept car with black color gives the impression Ankonian emphatically true. Ankonian is a kind of bull. The concept is seen from the picture above gives an extreme form of a supercar. With the basic shape that gives the car a sporty and aerodynamic looks agile and high performance.

Black Lamborghini Ankonian Concept by Slavche Tanevski

It doesn't have any hypothetical specs, nor, we suppose, does it really need them. The car is long, low, and narrow, and darkly hostile enough to go as quickly or as slowly as it wishes. What it does have is flames that shoot out of the exhaust, and frankly, that's enough for us. You can have various looks at it in the gallery of high-res photos below, but please, don't make it angry. You wouldn't like it when it's angry.

Black Lamborghini Ankonian Concept by Slavche Tanevski

Black Lamborghini Ankonian Concept by Slavche Tanevski

Black Lamborghini Ankonian Concept by Slavche Tanevski

Black Lamborghini Ankonian Concept by Slavche Tanevski

Black Lamborghini Ankonian Concept by Slavche Tanevski

Black Lamborghini Ankonian Concept by Slavche Tanevski