2015 Newest Crossover Concept Of Porsche Share With Volkswagen

2015 Newest Crossover Concept Of Porsche Share With Volkswagen

2015 Newest Crossover Concept Of Porsche Share With Volkswagen

Porsche Car Comes With Special widebody. Who is not familiar sports car from German manufacturer, Porsche has always known amongst automotive enthusiasts with cars that have a product performance, no less with producers from other countries such as Italy with a premium image, Porsche also always has an exterior that always looks amazing. In each exhibition, as usual Porsce always the center of attention of all visitors who attended the exhibition. Like the Porsche Panamera comes with a new twist with a widebody kit that is created by a special crew was super creative and Prior Design German team.

Crossover Concept Of Porsche Share With Volkswagen

Crossover Concept Of Porsche Share With Volkswagen

Porsche Panamera Prior'600 named 'WB' khsusus in Desaign to Porsce Panamera without a facelift. Porsce Panamera meyertakan several other features, such as on the front bumper are designed the all-new spoiler and rear bumper which has been updated to look more fresh.

Moreover, in the hood are also made ​​more unique contoured to look more muscular at the same time cool. To the side of the side skirts are made with the new design. Part tires are also fitted with large size wheels that are wrapped with 22 inch black red colored finish that makes it grow sporty.

The interior was also not spared from the reshuffle, in the leather-clad interior color bi-color beige and brown color with diamond-shaped stitching. Porsche Panamera modifan suspension is made a few inches shorter than the standard version with KW chassis.