marussia B1  is a sports coupe series car  made by russian automaker  marussia motor. it was a two seater sport car.

this car is a b series cars first car was B1 and also first car of the marussia motor.material used is aliminium . there is another car of this series that is B2 .

ENGINE  used in this car was produced by british company cosworth. car uses 3.5L, V6 and 2.8 L turbocharged  V6. engine produce 360 or 420 hp and reached to top speed of 250 kmh.

this is the next car of B series, its engine same as B1. first  time shown to public at 2009 frankfurt motor show. difference between these two car is only  from design .B2 is totally different from B2 as design aspect.

engine of this car was same as earlier one. it used 3.5L ,V6 and 2.8L turbocharged V6. it produced 420 hp and reached to maximum speed of 310 kmh. 
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